Mini Herbal Wellness Session
15 minute 1:1 laser consult via Zoom on your MOST pressing concern (choose ONE - sleep, digestion, pain, grief, anger, headache, immunity boost, etc.) - time to take care of business! To follow via email: - One herbal recommendation for your concern and why it was chosen - How to use and dose this herb along with considerations while in use (Various methods of dosing natural and raw herbs may include capsules, infusions, tinctures, honey pills, electuaries, oxymels, herbal vinegars or syrups, salves, washes, rinses, creams, oils, lotions and more) - Diet and/or lifestyle recommendation to get you to your goal faster ** This session is meant for new(ish) concerns within the last year that are on or off, staying the same and that are around a 0-5 on your personal pain or discomfort scale. Concerns or wellness goals that are more complex, chronic or severe and around 0-7 on your personal pain or discomfort scale; please book Full Herbal Wellness Session option. For concerns that are 7+ on your personal pain scale, please see your family physician or local health center